Monday, November 8, 2010

Christmas is Coming!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!  Seriously, I love me some Christmas.  The decorating, the baking, the gift wrapping.  It's fantastic. 

It's always a little shocking when, on November 1, stores start putting up the decorations.  Starbucks rolls out their holiday cups.  I am legally obligated to start drinking Peppermint Mochas (I know, they are available ALL YEAR now, but they taste better at Christmastime!).

The kids are working on the Christmas lists.  They know there's no Santa, but they'll pretend for now.  The girls, at ages 13 and 11, I know that they know and it's all *wink wink* Santa's coming, heh heh.  But the boys, age 9....  I'm still not convinced either way.  So, we all play along. 

Besides, I kinda like being Santa.

I've started signing up for local craft fairs, and I've got one every weekend for the rest of the month.  Yowza.  Fingers crossed that this is a good idea!?!

Getting in the mood with some straight up Christmassy goodness.  Bring on the mistletoe!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

The next endeavor

Going to be listing some wedding-specific items soon and see how that goes.  Hoping to do mixed dozens, for table decoration (yeah, like at my wedding, because they were awesome), and also possibly as wedding favors.  Or both!  How great would it be to have table decorations that double as wedding favors?? 

Pretty, yes?  Yes!

Sets would all be custom order, to your specifications for color, style, etc.  Which means I get to shop for more pretty papers hooray!!